Tom Scher: 509-780-8249

Process Serving

The most important step in any legal action is ensuring that the opposite party receives what is known as service of process. This refers to the notification that they are facing legal action of some type. Without effective service of process the other party can deny that they ever received legal documents such as summonses, complaints or subpoenas. For this reason, securing an effective process server is a vital part of ensuring that the client’s legal rights are fully protected over the course of his or her case.

Why Use a Process Server Instead of the Local Sheriff?

A skilled process server is always preferable to using the local sheriff’s office to serve legal documents. Our private process servers are faster and more reliable than a sheriff is. In many cases, the sheriff who was supposed to provide service of process will be distracted by other duties, resulting in a late or improperly documented process of service. This can result in severe legal consequences up to and including the loss of the related court case.

Our private process servers are focused on ensuring that their client’s legal needs are met in a fast and effective manner. In addition to serving the documents, a private process server will ensure that there is an incontrovertible record that the documents were received by the required date, making it impossible for the opposing party to claim that they were not properly served. This can be especially important as some individuals may attempt to avoid being served in order to delay the process. Our process servers are highly skilled in ensuring service even to those individuals who are deliberately attempting to avoid our process server.

Professionalism and Reliability

Another advantage of using our professional process servers is a higher level of reliability and professionalism. Because we are focused on providing excellent service to the client, our process servers are all trained in how to fulfill all of the legal requirements for a valid service of process. By keeping detailed records of where and when the service of process was conducted, we will leave absolutely no doubt about the validity of the process.

We understand that the success or failure of our clients’ legal cases can hinge on the effective service of process. Our skilled process servers can ensure that every document gets to its destination by the deadline our clients have established. For this reason, anyone seeking to protect their legal rights should make use of our reliable process servers.

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